
Exploration in The Great Orme Bronze Age Mines

Over 5 miles of prehistoric tunnels have been surveyed since excavation began in 1987.

Many of the tunnels are extremely narrow. Some of them were probably mined by young children, making exploration very difficult. Although the geology of the Great Orme isn’t ideal for the formation of stalactites, we occasionally find some beautiful formations. The tunnels in this picture eventually become blocked with stalactites.

Inside the mine

Click on the play button to see our video.

It is difficult to imagine how uncomfortable mining in the constricted tunnels would have been, perhaps this video will give you some idea! 

To see how small some of the tunnels really are click on the play button to see our video.

Inside the mine

It is difficult to imagine how uncomfortable mining in the constricted tunnels would have been, perhaps this video will give you some idea! 

To see how small some of the tunnels really are click on the play button to see our video.